I can hike and ski and walk and write and dig and lift and pull and plant and climb and fall and jump and roll

But I be will be sore, after


I have smooth skin, soft skin, long legs, tapering ankles, healthy curly hair, bright eyes, strong feet

But parts of me are drooping, wrinkled


I have a slow pulse, low blood pressure, no cancer, no diabetes, no chronic pain, and the muscles inside my pelvis are strong

But sometimes I do wait too long and dribble, a bit of pee


I have a job, I can set my own schedule, have a private office that looks out with beautiful light, I’m praised by my boss, make good money, and help people

But working hurts my soul


I feel my heart, and the past, the pain, I love my kids and they love me, and I have good friends

But I don’t have a special person, to snuggle with


I am surrounded by streams, and woods, and birds singing, and spirit, and willingness, and hope and everything I need today

But I still can’t settle and fully accept, peace


And I HATE that!