Heavy Duty Poetry
Phantom Bat Wings
She kept me around
on her pantry shelf
as she sucked another soul
glibly into her gullet
licking her fingers in feigned innocence
knowing I was there
in despair
Clean hope was her enemy
It’s fresh scent leads prey off the trail
Into the thriving woods
Up the ridge and away from the bog she tends
Come and sit with me here
On the edge of the foul pond
Sit, chat,
bear your pain to me
She sang in her siren’s song
Duped, drugged, and so thirsty
with despair
we all went,
more than once
Letting her pick tidbits off
for later use
when least expected
at the weakest moment
Until unable to rise…
One after another,
Scrabbling for purchase
On the oily rock of her heart
She rose up revealed,
from dark pool of her grief
and as she swallowed them up
There was a moment of unity and calm surrender
A moment of peace,
juicy needs digested
her blinking beacon drones back on
She’s got to have more
to swallow
Even if in madness
She sucks her own tail down her gullet
She was too good at what she did
And ran through her stock of lost ones
Stronger in her desperate desire
She casts her eyes for me
She stalks me through time
From bed
From the grave
From the mirror
But I dodge
and weave
and pray
slip away
into the now-day
And this time,
Her web comes up empty
Soon your phantom bat-wings will shake and juggle
No more
Making Sense
to cry a lot.
What didn’t make any sense was to be numb in my little bed,
to shove away the fear, grief, unmet needs,
then arrive outside my bedroom door,
at the classroom door,
at the neighbor’s door
with a big smile on my face.
That tore me up,
scarred me up,
toughened me up,
Closed me up,
closed me down.
It would have made sense to give up.
It did make sense a moment or two.
No more scars
No more doors
No more smiles
Just escape.
But then I cried a lot instead.
Band-Aid Kiss
There’s the heartbreak wave
sad and fresh
that sweeps in over my rocky-sould
when love doesn’t work out.
There’s the horror-loss-heart
when assurance is ripped away
always supposed to be
and won’t ever again
smile or breathe.
And there’s another
Under-cover ache
Hanging around, lurking around
waving across the night,
just waiting.
It’s holding a little bomb for me,
delayed shock
a board upside my head,
the spike in my chest,
When at last self delusion breaks:
She ripped my hair harder, because…
She tore up my butt to teach me a lesson, because…
She complained, blamed, and assigned me grown-up powers over her because…
She was never loved deeply
and her pain-hole never healed
So disappointed
that I was not
ready, willing, nor able
to cure her secret feelings
Bitter. Sad. Jealous. Hurting. Hating.
My mommy
did not
could not
will not ever
love me.
There is no mother
Except me now
How wonderful.
I have a home.
There’s caring there.
There’s soothing there
For the ache in my weary waiting heart
I bestow onto my own brow
A band-aid kiss
That’s better
It’s Not Right
Hitch-hiker looks resigned,
and yet his eyes raise as I lead my line
of cars
My destination is up on the left
I don’t want to contribute to his false-hope of a lift
I want to help him feel less pain
Walking down the car-passing lane…
By turning on my blinker
The on-coming pick-up also blinks an opposite turn
As they begin their hard curve
I make my own swerve
Foot stomps itself on the break
Leaving just enough room for the asshole freak
who was in a rush
and brushed
and rushed
around the truck turner, on the shoulder.
Not seeing me
not noticing me
in the car using that shoulder
for a legal turn.
They squirted, gunning, as my rubber burned
We just missed crashing
That’s not right!
That’s not even close to right
That’s not fucking right
in any fucking universe…
I am trying to have my day
But in a safer way
Following the rules of the road
My heart pounds as I pull around
into my white lined slot
What a scare I just got!
The hitch-hiker saw it all
I want to call
To him to testify
My brother
My fellow sufferer
Dodging disappointment
You almost saw my appointment with death spring up and swerve right by
Oh my!
It’s not right.
Not fucking right.
That now in the night
I am feeling it…
And ALL the not right things in my day
The old trembly man
we plan
To keep him warm
And fed
But he falls out of bed.
It’s bad when the boy is from a family
that makes him so mad,
he beats back on the pain
and they fear him,
they stick him behind closed walls
Say “we don’t want him”
You take him.
Yet we can’t
He’ll push over trembly man
He goes back home in the end.
What horror will happen?
Slow motion feelings boil and press everyone into another explosion
People like me who could be giving love to their own families are tethered to their phone
Don’t call me, I had to say. I’m tired.
I’m tired from meetings today
Meeting about the exploding boy.
Meetings about the super sad she-man
Who swallowed a bottle of pills
And needs a place to go
because his family also says no.
You take him Laurie
You fix him Laure
You save him Laurie
And I do save, and keep people from the street,
Coaxing, supporting, helping
But don’t call me tonight
Don’t call me tomorrow
I can’t come.
I’m sad! I’m mad.
I can’t sleep because my sister is whispering to me
Help me Laurie
I’m in a car dying Laurie
You don’t care Laurie
Why are you dead Kim!
Why are you dead Joji?
Why are you dead Larry?
Why are you dead mommy
Why are you dead daddy?
Why are you crippled, and rotting in a bed, child-like and forgetting
in order to live
Eat the soft food,
Spooned into your mouth
Listen, blind to the T.V.’s drone
Drifting, sifting through just the safe places in the past.
It’s not right!
It’s not fucking right. Not tonight
Not with all my might
Can I make it not awful
Not with prayer
Not in a box
Not with a fox
Not here or there
Not anywhere…
Is it fucking right.
I want to grieve,
I just cried pretty hard
Did it help me
With the shard
In my heart that seems stuck
And I’m out of luck with nothing but the fucking fuck
of Covid
And dying
And sighing
And open-eyed bed-lying
The world’s overloaded with peoples’ stuffing down
And filling up with scrabbling
And playing and forgetting
And bloodletting
The earth is a hot dish of wriggly worms
Culled from germs
That are getting even
Spreading out to thin the weak
And cut the herd
The fear and dread
Cause even more mind-bending heads,
to be heavy like lead
With the dead
Dead Dead Dead
I said!
It’s not fucking RIGHT!
Inspired by what I've shared? Or have your own survival story to share? I'd love to hear from you.